Smooth Fox Terrier

Smooth Fox Terrier Movies

Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar (1967)

The only film starring a Smooth Fox Terrier is animated: The Plague Dogs (avoid the U.S. DVD, which is highly edited). Even when a live action movie was adapted from a beloved Smooth Fox Terrier biography, My Dog, Skip, a Jack Russell Terrier (wire-coated, no less) was cast in the starring role instead of the appropriate dog. Though Wire Fox Terriers excelled on the silver screen, the Smooth has yet to catch a break in Hollywood.

12 Dog Days Till Christmas
Year: 2014
Country: USA
Smooth content: ✯ ✯
Stan, born 2004, plays senior citizen “Bruno” among many shelter dogs in this film, mostly portrayed by real rescue dogs (including Stan).

Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar
Year: 1967
Country: USA
Smooth content: ✯ ✯ ✯
Perhaps the largest role for a SFT in a live action film. “Chainsaw” is a villain who harasses Charlie the cougar.

Year: 2012
Country: USA
Smooth content: ✯
A female SFT played by Firefly appears in one scene late in the film.

It’s a Dog’s Life
AKA: Wildfire / Bar Sinister
Year: 1955
Country: USA
Smooth content: ✯
A SFT is in the background during the dog show scene in this unique film. Finally released on DVD after decades of obscurity.

A Single Man
Year: 2009
Country: USA
Smooth content: ✯ ✯
Black and white SFTs can be seen a couple of times. They are played by Angus and India and director Tom Ford’s dogs in real life, though trained for the film by Paws For Effect.

Know additional films that should be here? Please let us know!
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