Old English Sheepdog Movies

The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank (1978)

Watching Old English Sheepdog movies is a lesson in canine form over function. Once upon a time, the Old English was, of course, a working sheepdog. With a protective coat against the elements, an athletic build, and a unique, rolling gait to lope after sheep all day through the English countryside. These shepherd ideals can clearly be seen in films like The 101 Problems of Hercules (1966). Then, as time passes and we reach films like Cats & Dogs (2001), we see how transition from pasture to show ring has morphed this historic working dog into the powder puff of today.

12 Dogs of Christmas
Year: 2005
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯

101 Dalmatians
Year: 1996
Country: USA
OES content: ✯

The 101 Problems of Hercules
Year: 1966
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯ ✯
A Wonderful World of Disney TV movie about a Kuvasz, Old English Sheepdog, and Border Collie having to drive sheep on their own in the American Southwest. All three dogs play main roles.

Abner, the Invisible Dog
Year: 2013
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯ ✯
“Abner” is a talking OES—with an English accent of course.

The Adventures of Milo and Otis
AKA: Koneko monogatari
Year: 1986
Country: Japan
OES content: ✯
Only a glimpse at the beginning.

The Bike Squad
Year: 2005
Country: USA
OES content: ✯
One of the stolen dogs.

Year: 1965
Country: USA

Year: 1933
Country: USA

Breaking All the Rules
Year: 1985
Country: USA/Canada

Cats & Dogs
Year: 2001
Country: USA/Australia
OES content: ✯ ✯
A support role to several other dogs.

C’era un castello con 40 cani
AKA: There was a Castle with Forty Dogs
Year: 1990
Country: Belgium/France/Italy/Spain
OES content: ✯ ✯
An extraordinary and unique dog film with dozens of dogs working together and running free together.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Year: 1968
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯
With “Edison”.

The Dark
Year: 2005
Country: Isle Of Man/UK/USA/Germany

Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World
Year: 1973
Country: UK
OES content: ✯ ✯ ✯
While the quintessential Old English Sheepdog film in the US would have to be The Shaggy Dog (1959), in the UK Digby is the “biggest” icon.

AKA: Garfield: The Movie
Year: 2004
Country: USA
OES content: ✯

Year: 1976
Country: USA
Unconfirmed sighting.

The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank
Year: 1978
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯

Year: 1991
Country: USA
OES content: ✯

Year: 1992
Country: USA

Year: 1986
Country: UK/USA
OES content: ✯ ✯ ✯
A special treat for OES enthusiasts, Labyrinth features an Old English in the duel role of “Merlin” and “Ambrosius”.

Lassie Come Home
Year: 1943
Country: USA
OES content: ✯

Maps to the Stars
Year: 2014
Country: Canada/Germany/France/USA

Mr. Superinvisible
AKA: L’inafferrabile invincibile Mr. Invisibile
Year: 1970
Country: Italy/Monaco/Spain/West Germany
OES content: ✯ ✯

The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
Year: 1991
Country: USA
Unconfirmed sighting here. There’s definitely a Doberman Pinscher.

No More Ladies
Year: 1936
Country: USA

Year: 1994
Country: USA

Owd Bob
AKA: To the Victor
Year: 1938
Country: UK
OES content: ✯
About Border Collies and a black GSD, based on the famous novel.

Please Don’t Eat the Daisies
Year: 1960
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯
With “Hobo”.

Private Benjamin
Year: 1980
Country: USA

The Return of the Shaggy Dog
Year: 1987
Country: USA
Third of the Shaggy Dog trilogy, this one was from The Wonderful World of Disney TV series and is very hard to find now.

Year: 2015
Country: USA
OES content: ✯

Year: 1973
Country: Italy/USA
OES content: ✯ ✯
“Alfie” has a notable role, plus a box of OES puppies.

The Shaggy D.A.
Year: 1976
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯ ✯
Sequel to the classic Disney film.

The Shaggy Dog
Year: 1959
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯ ✯
Classic story of a boy turning into a dog due to an ancient curse. Note the 2006 remake features the sleek and not particularly shaggy Bearded Collie instead.

Year: 1994
Country: USA

Stolen Life
Year: 1939
Country: UK
Uncertain if there is really an OES in this old film or not.

Summer Magic
Year: 1963
Country: USA

The Taming of the Scoundrel
AKA: Il Bisbetico domato
Year: 1980
Country: Italy

Three on the Run
Year: 1978
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯
A Wonderful World of Disney TV movie starring a white German Shepherd Dog, Old English Sheepdog, and Bloodhound on a dogsled team. Still not on DVD.

Undercover Angel
Year: 1999
Country: Canada/USA
OES content: ✯ ✯

With Six You Get Eggroll
Year: 1968
Country: USA
OES content: ✯ ✯

The Women
Year: 1939
Country: USA
OES content: ✯
Several dogs at the start of the film.

Know additional films that should be here? Please let us know!
moviedogs (@) gmail (.) com