Finnish Spitz Movies

Dog Nail Clipper (2004)

Please get in touch if you know more films with this handsome and historic spitz.

Dog Nail Clipper
AKA: Koirankynnen leikkaaja
Year: 2004
Country: Finland
This Finnish film about a victim of brain damage following WWII features a Finnish Spitz in a main role.

Ty menya slyshish?
AKA: Ты меня слышишь? / Can You Hear Me?
Year: 2007
Country: Russia
FS content: ✯
An odd two-part TV film about a Border Collie who encounters dozens of other dogs in his wanderings. Additional information can be found on this Russian site.

Know additional films that should be here? Please let us know!
moviedogs (@) gmail (.) com