
Samoyed Movies

Inukai san chi no inu (2011)

Please get in touch if you know of other Sammy movies!

Inukai san chi no inu
AKA: Mr. Inukai Keeps a Dog
Year: 2011
Country: Japan
Also a Japanese TV show.

It’s a Dog’s Life
AKA: Wildfire / Bar Sinister
Year: 1955
Country: USA
Samoyed content: ✯
Sammy is in the background during the dog show scene in this unique film. Finally released on DVD after decades of obscurity.

The Snow Walker
Year: 2003
Country: Canada

Stone Fox
Year: 1987
Country: Canada/USA
Make-for-TV movie based on the novel by John Reynolds Gardiner.

Zanna Bianca e il cacciatore solitario
AKA: White Fang and the Hunter
Year: 1975
Country: Italy

Know additional films that should be here? Please let us know!
moviedogs (@) gmail (.) com