Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Movies

Kevin of the North (2001)

Despite captivating cuteness and trainability, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers can only be seen in very occasional print ads or commercials, and they’re even more uncommon in film. Though you can see Tollers in at least a couple of notable roles.

Daniel and the Superdogs
Year: 2005
Country: Canada/UK
Toller content: ✯
The star dogs are a Parson Russell Terrier and a Borzoi, but a vast array of breeds can be seen in this film, including a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever doing agility in a few shots.

My Dog the Space Traveler
Year: 2013
Country: USA
Toller content: ✯ ✯
Although the NSDTR here has a title role, he is certainly not the star. In fact, he is seldom seen throughout the film.

Kevin of the North
AKA: Chilly Dogs
Year: 2001
Country: Canada/UK
Toller content: ✯ ✯ ✯
At the last minute, Kevin must gather a group of misfit dogs to race in this dogsledding spoof. The leader of his strange team is a Toller. Although originally released as Kevin of the North, the DVD title is Chilly Dogs in the U.S.

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