
Leonberger Movies

The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon (1997)

The Leonberger can be seen in a few notable roles, always making a statement with their characters. In Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever one even portrays a “million dollar” dog.

The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon
Year: 1997
Country: Canada
Leonberger content: ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
One of the newest adaptations of Jack London’s novel and one of the closest to the book. “Buck” is a Leonberger, though a Saint Bernard/Collie mix in the novel.

Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever
Year: 2014
Country: USA
Leonberger content: ✯ ✯
Made-for-TV movie featuring “JoJo” in a co-starring role with the famous Grumpy Cat.

The Secret of Moonacre
Year: 2007
Country: USA
Leonberger content: ✯ ✯
“Wrolf” is played by a Leonberger in makeup.

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