
Laika Movies

Tropoy beskorystoy lyubvi (1972)

You can see different types of Laikas in many Russian films, though they can be hard to spot and identify. This list is focused on the West Siberian, East Siberian, and Russo-European Laika. Recommendations for additions are welcome!

Nedopesok Napoleon III
AKA: Недопесок Наполеон III
Year: 1979
Country: Soviet Union
Laika content: ✯
Of the many dogs, mostly mixed breeds, seen in this film about a fox escaping from a fur farm, one or two appear to be Laikas.

Rys vykhodit na tropu
AKA: Рысь выходит на тропу
Year: 1983
Country: Soviet Union
Laika content: ✯ ✯ ✯
In this sequel to Tropoy beskorystoy lyubvi, man and lynx return with a new canine companion when Rys adopts a Russo-European Laika puppy.

Seryy razboynik
AKA: The Grey Robber
Year: 1957
Country: Soviet Union
Laika content: ✯ ✯
Mostly about a mother wolf and her pup, there is a dog seen as puppy and adult which may be an East Siberian Laika.

Tropoy beskorystoy lyubvi
AKA: Тропой бескорыстной любви
Year: 1972
Country: Soviet Union
Laika content: ✯ ✯ ✯
A West Siberian Laika co-stars with a man and a lynx.

Vesegonskaya volchitsa
AKA: A Wolf from Vesyegonsk / Весьегонская волчица
Year: 2004
Country: Russia
Laika content: ✯ ✯
A young Russo-European Laika hunts for wolves until hunter becomes hunted.

AKA: Wolf / Волк
Year: 2007
Country: Russia
Laika content: ✯
There appear to be one or more West Siberian Laikas in a few brief scenes here.

Zloy dukh Yambuya
AKA: The Evil Spirit of Yambuy / Злой дух Ямбуя
Year: 1979
Country: Soviet Union
Laika content: ✯ ✯ ✯
A wilderness thriller which greatly features dogs and one starring West Siberian Laika in particular.

Know additional films that should be here? Please let us know!
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