German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer Movies

Azit Hakalba Hatzanhanit (1973)

If you know of more German Shorthaired Pointers in movies, please get in touch!

101 Dalmatians
Year: 1996
Country: USA
GSP content: ✯

Azit Hakalba Hatzanhanit
AKA: Azit, the Paratrooper Dog
Year: 1973
Country: Israel
GSP content: ✯
Seen training to be a military K-9. The star is a German Shepherd Dog.

Becoming Jane
Year: 2007
Country: Ireland/UK

The Other
Year: 1972
Country: USA
GSP content: ✯
Just a glimpse along with other sporting and working dogs at the end of the film.

Know additional films that should be here? Please let us know!
moviedogs (@) gmail (.) com