Catahoula Leopard Dog

Catahoula Leopard Dog Movies

Moon of the Wolf (1972)

Also known as the Catahoula Cur, the Catahoula Hog Dog, the Catahoula Hound, and others, this state dog of Louisiana is surprisingly scattered through films, despite still being a relatively rare breed. You can see Catahoula Leopard Dogs in brief or background roles in several American films.

Year: 1973
Country: USA
Catahoula content: ✯
Possibly a mixed breed. Meets with an unfortunate end.

Year: 1989
Country: USA

Born of the Fourth of July
Year: 1989
Country: USA
Catahoula content: ✯

Moon of the Wolf
Year: 1972
Country: USA
Catahoula content: ✯
One or more Catahoulas in a pack of hounds.

My Blue Heaven
Year: 1990
Country: USA
Possible Catahoula puppies.

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